Learn why diets don't work and what will. Discover how to face down hidden connections to weight problems, such as loss and trauma, allergies, hypoglycemia and your body's chemicals. Body Sense is not just for weight problems. It can help you increase self-confidence, become assertive and improve relationships. Click here for information about Body Sense
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Why Dieting Doesn't Work
If diets worked, why would you have to repeat them so many times? It isn't because you're a failure! Learn why diets can't work and what will. Then, you can stop the emotional rollercoaster and begin to feel good about yourself, no matter what the scales say in the morning.

Forget About Diets online course is a must-have guide to ending your problems with your weight, from stress eating to eating disorders. You'll learn effective strategies to end the dieting rollercoaster and the truth about hidden connections that play a big part in your weight.

Ask Brenda
Does nagging about my weight work?
Nope. It can actually drive you to eat more. You'll want to copy this answer to give to "helpful" friends. Ask your question below.
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Eight Things You Tell Yourself That Can Cause Weight Gain. Take action to stop these messages that are more detrimental to weight loss than a high calorie dessert. Weight Gain and Failed Diets Linked to Loss
It's not just a matter of willpower. Neglected loss from the past may be sabotaging your efforts to maintain a healthy weight. Learn if you have an unexplored connection that could make a substantial difference in your life.
Do You Have Weight Problems Because Of Past Trauma?
Start to get the past off your plate today by learning whether it has effected the development of your conflicts with food and weight.
Body Sense Challenges Old Beliefs About Weight Problems and Gives You Ammunition to Take Control! Check out the book and online course that finally takes the guilt away and helps end your battles with your weight or eating disorders.

Stories of Hope for Those Who Struggle with Their Weight or Eating Disorders
Share the inspirational stories of others and submit your own as a resource for encouragement to end weight struggles, from stress eating to eating disorders.

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